
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Playdough isn't Just for Kids

Sometimes it’s fun to feel like a carefree kid; wind in your hair, dirt on your clothes and a smile on your face. But how many of us have a time machine? A good way to feel like a kid again is by playing with playdough. Many childhood memories were created with our hands, either in paint, dirt or toys. Revisit those memories with this homemade playdough recipe. It’s easy and inexpensive.

1 part Hair Conditioner or Shaving Cream
2 parts Cornstarch
Food Coloring if desired
Cookie cutters for fun shapes

Just mix all of these ingredients together in a bowl, and then knead them with your hands. It’s that simple. For softer dough, add more hair conditioner or cream. For chalkier dough, add more cornstarch. Warning, it can be messy and wearing black isn’t recommended, but it sure is fun to feel like a kid again.  

Revitalize that Relationship!

Ask your spouse these three questions about their childhood, and answer them yourself:
·       What was your favorite childhood toy?
·       What is a fun memory you have with your family as a child?
·       How can we create fun memories for our children?

Make sure not to worry about the mess or washing your hands. Just enjoy the date with your spouse and learn more about them.

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