
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Library Activities- Beyond the Check-out

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There is more to do in a library or bookstore besides checking out items. Below are a list of activities to do together that will cost nothing! This can also be done in a bookstore, and while there, grab some drinks or pastries.

1.     Find your favorite book as a child, then read them to each other.
2.     Look through some cookbooks and find a meal you would enjoy making together.
3.     Pick out a joke book and share the best ones with each other.
4.     Choose 3-4 random books. Have a conversation with each other, but only use lines from those books.

For information on your local libraries visit: Los Angeles Public Library

Revitalize that Relationship!
Remember that marriage is give and take. Make sure to find time to talk with your spouse about the balance in your relationship. One person should not have to carry the whole load. Discuss the following points with each other:
-What do I do for my spouse on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?
-What does my spouse do for me on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?
-What do I appreciate most about my spouse?
-Ask your spouse, Where can I improve in our relationship?

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